Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Possum Magic Text to World Connections

Grandma Poss wore glasses. In the world possums do not wear glasses.

Possum Magic Text to World Connections

She made magic. Real possums climb.

Possum Magic Text to World Connections

The possum in the book does magic, but in the real world possums do not do magic.

Possum Magic Text to World Connections

They sing. Possums in the the real world do not sing.

Possum Magic Text to World Connection

The magic made Hush invisible. Possums are visible. Fidel

Possum Magic Text to World Connections

In Possum Magic they ride a bike. In the real world they do not ride bikes. They climb trees.
Katherine O.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tens and Ones

Today we worked on tens and ones. Students worked with a partner. They used beans to make groups of 10. Then they added the leftovers. For example, 55 is 5 groups of 10 and 5 left over.